Saturday, November 8, 2008

'Tis the Season

So we are deep into the year, only a few weeks remain. The leaves have changed and dropped from the trees, already we are seeing signs of the Holiday Season creeping up around us. Many of us have not even finished our yard cleaning and buttoning up of our outside work before the the harsh cold of winter begins.

As we approach Thanksgiving it's important that we keep a calm head about us and stay focused on the important things around us. This sounds philosophical, but it's because of this lack of focus that bad things happen. Whether it's forgetting what the true meaning of the Holiday's is, or just getting tied up in all of the hustle and bustle of it all, lack of focus causes bad things to happen.

So as we move forward, stay focused. Don't forget about the pot cooking on the stove or the candles that you lit in the other room. Remember not to overload your outlets with decorations or space heaters, use proper cords where applicable. When you leave to visit loved ones, make sure that someone is responsible for checking your house DAILY. The visit should be to pick up the mail and newspaper, walk through the ENTIRE HOUSE, including the basement. Left unchecked that basement could become your unwanted indoor pool.

In closing, keep in mind as the weather turns colder, snow begins to fly and the days continue to get shorter that this is not only the season of giving and all that, it's should also be the season of focus. Focus on things that are important in your life and don't forget to be thankful for what you have. Stay safe and enjoy the coming days and weeks, it really can be a lot of fun.